Cambridge International School started in the year 2019, with a lofty dream of empowering Pupils to be the leaders in all capacities and shape this world to be a better place. Students are equipped to create a better future with all vitality, energy and purpose. As we reflect, we feel proud and content with their success and most importantly their ambition to play their part in the world and make it good for all. Cambridge International School Mandi discovers, disseminates, and applies new knowledge through teaching and learning, research and creative activity, community involvement, and partnerships. The Cambridge International School Mandi grooms individuals for the day to day challenges of life by developing their intrinsic human abilities, provide a skilled human resource for the job market, who would contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the larger perspective. Cambridge International School Mandi, would thus, become a channel for giving a national and international voice to innovation and ultimately play a lead role in placing students on the global forefront.

Cambridge International School, Lunapani, Mandi located near four lanes present in Nerchowk, Balh, Mandi. The school is just 600 meter away from National highway. (CISM) is a day school with international facilities. CISM sprawls over 4050.00 Square Mts. acres of land. Total ground floor area is 1283 Square Mts. And First floor area is 1283 Square Mts. The architectural design of the school has been drafted with great forethought and imagination to cater to the ever-growing, challenging modern teaching and learning needs.

School has a capacity of approximately 2000 students.  When you arrive at the front yard of this school, you will be greeted by a security. The security post is located close to the front gate.

The school is arranged in a square shape. In the front there is a wide open area with a flag pole. 


The school furthermore has a massive parking lot. For the school buses, Staff and parents

Garbage bins are placed around each corners and each floor of the school to ensure that the students are keeping up the clean environment at school. Fast, wireless access throughout the school.

The ground floor used for the Grade Nursery to Grade – KG-II, as well Science laboratory, Dance room, Music room, Art & Craft section.